Martin-Buber-Oberschule: English Theater is back again!

On June 7th and 8th starting at 7 p.m.
We will present two short plays in the MBO Small Aula.

The Waiting Room

Welcome to the Clearview Senior Home for the Blind. You are among the select few to see the new Asian Room! Mr. Arnold and Mrs. Baker are just as excited as you are. They and their friends Mrs. Eden and Mr. Clak have contributed heavily to the new room, in the hopes that it will make the wait more pleasant. For waiting is what they are doing – waiting for the day they will be cured of their blindness and able to see the world again . . .

Wanted: One Groom

The very practical Shands are preparing for a wedding. Their only daughter is to be married this evening. However, as Kayla’s best friend Phyllis is shocked to learn, the groom must first answer the advertisement the family placed, to find a husband for Kayla. Enter Richard, the well-meaning law student who has no clue what he’s getting into, and no one will be able to guess how this story resolves itself.